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A press release written to solicit reviews for At the Edge of Empathy, a recently published e-book.

Press Release

Gripper Test G_edited.png

story bible


Earth, 3101. Humanity has inevitably driven itself back into the sea. Pressure groans against submerged cities, while the affluent occupy the remaining land.


       Sid loathes serving the elite, but what's a Salvage Spotter to do with no units and a debt that can drown a bloated whale. He'll find that his retrieval mission is anything but simple, as sightings of unusual creatures lurk the depths, and a strange dissonance lays waste to the cities and shores. He'll need the courage to face his past, and the will to change his flaws.

This "Story Bible" is a reference document and style guide that establishes the standards for the writing, design, and production for the novel known as Vanilla Black. It details and outlines the characters, culture, history, landscape, and other aspects of the story's "world" and would be used by the writers and production crew to maintain continuity and consistency over the course of the project.


Vanilla Black

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